Signup page for
tutors and teachers

If you are an individual tutoring young people, we want you to have a low-cost listing as part of the KidsBoston.Com tutor project.

Just fill out the form below. Answer all questions. When you're finished, press SEND once. After we've verified that the information came from you and we've received the minimal fee, we'll post your listing on KidsBoston.Com so parents may reach you. You may renew your listing after six months.

WHO QUALIFIES? -- These listings are for individuals, age 18 and over. If you represent a company or corporation, we'll be happy to carry your advertisement at company rates. Please ask about our cost-effective company ad rates by clicking here. [Individuals can take out an ad too.] 

PHOTOS -- Photos work. An optional photograph may be added to your tutor listing for increased visibility. A handling/processing fee of $5 is required. The photo should be a recent, clear head shot of you. Click here for details on submitting your photo.

Information for your individual-tutor listing should be sent through the tutor-registration form, below. You can include a color photo if you follow the directions on the right. If you are unable to send information electronically, print the form, fill it out and mail it with payment to KidsBoston.Com, PO Box 841, Winchester, MA 01890.

How to pay -- Payment of $20 to cover a six-month listing can be made by credit card through the safe, secure and established PayPal system. Payment for photo inclusion should also be made here. You will have a written, dated record of the transaction on your credit-card statement. Click here to send your listing fee through PayPal.

Cancellation or information changes to tutor listings will be accomodated to the best of our ability, but we cannot guarantee such. If you have a question about our individual listings on KidsBoston.Com, click here to send e-mail to us. 

We care about the safety of children.
We urge parents to conduct a thorough background check of all prospective tutors
and monitor any contacts between children and adults.

Registration form
Please answer all questions

Your name:

Your e-mail address:

Street address:



ZIP/Postal Code:

Phone (area code first)

How much do you charge?

Ages/grades you tutor

Are you 18 years of age or over?

Are references readily available to parents?
Today's date? [month/day/year]

In what subject are you qualified to tutor?
[No more than three]

Your experience & qualifications. Please include degrees, college(s) graduated & year(s) graduated.

KidsBoston.Com neither endorses nor approves of individual tutors and assumes no liability for parents' actions in hiring a tutor or teacher. This publishing service is provided as information only and should in no way be construed as an endoresement. We urge parents to thoroughly check a potential tutor or teacher's background, talk to the people named as references and monitor the safety of their children.

Tutor and private-teacher listings are provided at low cost to individuals as a service to parents. Companies may purchase a display ad, as may individuals. Individual-tutor information must be received through the above form. If you are unable to send this information electronically, print the form, fill it out and mail to KidsBoston.Com, PO Box 841, Winchester, MA 01890.

Other information is not included in the listing, but separate display ads may be purchased. Cancellation or information changes will be accomodated to the best of our ability, but we cannot guarantee such. Questions on an individual listing? Click here to send e-mail to us.

© Legal Notice: The names KidsBoston and, their variants and the original contents of KidsBoston.Com are copyright 1998 -- 2003 by DM Sheridan. To request sponsorship or advertising information, click here .